Alyanna's Silver Arts Award Portfolio
Welcome! This is my website for my Silver Arts Award. Within this website, you may find my work from Unit 1 and Unit 2.
Unit 1 includes information and evidence from my Arts Challenge, reviews from arts events, and research into the arts. This unit focuses on pre-production skills within filmmaking.
Unit 2 depicts my Arts Leadership Project from its plan, to its production, to its final evaluation. Still in the realm of filmmaking, I lead the post-production, which includes editing and distributing the film.
Below are hyperlinks for both units, within each units are more hyperlinks leading to more pages within the project. I will ensure that all links are useable and harmless for all technological devices.
Browse at your leisure and enjoy!
If necessary, you can contact me on either my personal or school email
Unit 1 - Arts Challenge, Reviews, and Research
Arts Challenge - This section of the Arts Award required me to set a challenge in a chosen arts activity, either to learn a new skill or improve a previously acquired skill. I chose the latter, having planned and reviewed my progress and achievements.
Arts Review - Due to COVID-19 restrictions, I could not attend any live arts events, so I have reviewed a short film, a play published online, and a concert I had previously attended pre-COVID.
Arts Research - Here, I developed my understanding of various areas within the arts, including the sector I would like to study in further. This required me to research opportunities and pathways, as well as interview a student currently working towards a career in my dream field of work.
Sharing My Reviews
I shared all three reviews on my Instagram page, which gained engagement and some comments, which can be seen below.

Most of the comments expressed their desire to indulge in the film, play, or concert experience, or agreed with the points made, which can be seen in the screenshots above.
However, I received two comments which particularly stood out to me. Whilst user, @pineappleboiz, praised my written expression and the points I made, they also highlighted how I did not evaluate the negative aspects. From this comment, I have realised that lack of criticism shows an unequally weighted review. Moreover, user, @moonmoontime, did not agree with the points made on the Beabadoobee review, and this taught me to accept the fact that not everyone will agree with your opinions.

What Did I Learn
Undoubtedly, my research has helped refine my desire to pursue a career within the film industry, particularly as a screenwriter.
My research helped me understanding the day-to-day tasks of different art practitioners, as well as paths into these careers. Initially, I was worried about pursuing a career in the arts with such ambiguity surrounding pay, however, my research allowed me some insight into the financial side of the arts. More specifically, I was inspired by my research to look into specialist courses and have applied for the BFI specialist screenwriting course which takes place this summer.
Moreover, my practitioner profiles allowed me to explore routes into the arts through a more particular perspective. From Sciamma, I learnt that to become a screenwriter, it is necessary to learn how to write fiction to start, and that higher education can be a successful way into professional screenwriting. Above all else, she taught me the importance of crafting your own methodologies within your art, as well as building from other frameworks. Lawther’s profile taught me to engage with my art form through extra-curricular activities, within school and externally. His story has also taught me that it is not always necessary to study a desired art form as a subject, with there being other ways in.
I think the interview with Simi was the most valuable chunk of knowledge that I have acquired within Part D, especially since I heavily identify with her background, her self-doubt, and passion for storytelling, especially with POC communities usually viewing careers in film as unsustainable. Speaking with her taught me that this career path is very individual and unique, so going to university to pursue film is not strictly necessary and should be a personal decision to take. Above all, she made it abundantly clear that the best way to learn filmmaking is by making films.

Below is the final piece, titled 11:11, which can also be access through YouTube here
I was fortunate to gain a review on the film, specifically on my screenwriting and cinematography skills, from my friend, Dominika. This is evident below. From this, I created my own conclusion evaluating my arts challenge. This includes how I think the project went, what I would improve if I did it again, which parts didn't go as well as I'd hoped, and where I'd come across difficulties.
Dominika's Review
Despite not being long in length, I think the film perfectly encompassed a sense of carpe diem, encouraging people just to live life in the present. It was The Perks of Being a Wallflower meets Euphoria, with the Coming-of-Age genre coming through as we almost catch a glimpse into what the best parts of being a teenager/young adult are.
I think the monologue added depth and meaning to the film and contrasted the lighthearted nature of the video itself, through with such depth provoking the viewer to think, reflect, and resolve living life in the present - the line "people really do ruin things by making them last forever" really stuck with me.
As for the cinematography, it was beautiful. Very evocative of Euphoria through the colour choice, and a perfect visual representation of the human condition and growing up, focusing on people and their perspectives. The use of the frequent jumps between different clips added to the overarching message that nothing is permanent, and we should embrace the present. The lighting, effects, and the cyclical motif of the clock really emphasise that theme further.
My Report
From the review Dominika has provided, I'm happy to gain such praise on my developed skills, and I'm happy that she recognised the Coming-of-Age, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and Euphoria elements, especially since I was primarily inspired by that genre, film, and show within my skill development. Hearing her interpretation of the film itself is enriching to hear, especially since it proves her engagement with this film.
Personally, I think the project went successfully due to the teamwork exemplified by Yulia, Thuy, and I, with each person’s responsibilities being equally weighted. It was an enjoyable experience since I’ve always had a passion for film and writing. My arts challenge gave me the opportunity to experience filmmaking, which is the sector of work I’d like to pursue as a career. Applying knowledge I’ve willingly gained, from YouTube videos and screenplays that inspire me, felt fulfilling.
I’m glad that I chose to focus on both the written and visual elements of film, and not one or the other, especially since the two are constantly intertwined within film; it gave me a varied insight on what pre-production has to offer. The mood of the dialogue and the cinematography match each other well, as Dominika mentioned, and I think that is why I prioritised the two equally.
Unfortunately, through developing my pre-production skills, there were some difficulties that were overcome. Firstly, we did not have the financial means to manipulate lighting and set the way professional Coming-of-Age films do, but were I to do this challenge again, I would make alternative arrangement to fulfil these aesthetic desires. Moreover, due to national lockdown, our group progress was stagnant for a while, communication of ideas was filled with difficulty, and there was no possibility to film, which slowed the process of filming and editing.
This project laid a solid foundation for my knowledge and experience with writing and cinematography. In the future, I would like to write group pieces or duologues. Whilst my monologue was successful in the eyes of my audience, I think it would be even more challenging and interesting to write from multiple perspectives. In terms of cinematography, I would like to explore other genres of film, their visual characteristics, and how they compare. For example, horror, film noir, or romcoms. I definitely have a concrete understanding of both screenwriting and cinematography, but I will continue to widen the scope of my newly obtained knowledge.